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13 datasets found

  • THEMIS Mission (Time History of Events and Macroscale Interactions during Sub...

    The Northern Lights are a fascinating natural phenomenon. These animated shows in the night sky have contributed to the mythology, folklore and art of many cultures and civilizations in the Northern Hemisphere. In 2007, as part of the THEMIS Mission (for "Time History of Events and Macroscale...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Final Report - Space Weather Socioeconomic Impact Study on Canadian Infrastru...

    Space weather has a variety of impacts on technology, both in space and on the ground. In space, the impacts include health risks to astronauts due to radiation exposure and physical risks to satellites and their electrical components due to energetic electrons and solar flare protons. Space...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Science Readiness Levels (SRL) Standard

    SRLs provide an effective evaluation and continuous assessment of the level of scientific maturity and associated scientific risk in achieving the scientific objective of a space science investigation with respect to mission objectives and expected outcomes.
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Ionosphere images from Alouette satellites

    Designed and assembled in Canada, Alouette-1 was the first satellite built by a nation other than the United States or the Soviet Union. It was constructed at a time when most satellites had a useful lifespan of a few months. Although Alouette-1 was as complex as any previously launched...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Evaluation of the European Space Agency Contribution Program of the Canadian ...

    This report presents the findings of the evaluation of the European Space Agency Contribution Program (ESA-CP) of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The evaluation was carried out by the CSA's Audit and Evaluation Directorate, with the support of PRA Inc. This evaluation was included in the CSA's...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Comprehensive Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of the Canadian Space Sector

    In 2014/15, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) contracted with the firm Euroconsult, to complete a Comprehensive Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of the Canadian Space Sector. The study provides a detailed assessment of the global and Canadian space sectors, as well as the economic footprint and...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • OSIRIS - Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imaging System

    Canada's Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imaging System (OSIRIS) is the optical payload on Sweden's Odin satellite. It works in synergy with Sweden's advanced radiometer and measures atmospheric composition. Since 2001, OSIRIS has obtained valuable information on the upper atmosphere. It...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Meteorological Station (MET) of the Phoenix Mission

    "It is important for the next exploration missions to learn more about the Mars planet climate. It is for this reason that the Phoenix robotic spacecraft landed on Mars in 2008 in order to search for environments suitable for microbial life on Mars, and to research the history of water there. The...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Audit of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer

    The objective of this audit was to determine whether the management framework in place allows the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) to comply with the requirements of the Government of Canada's laws, regulations, policies, directives and strategic framework for intellectual property (IP).
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Strato-Science 2018 campaign - Stratospheric Balloon Flight - Canadian Space ...

    This dataset contains the telemetry data obtained from the different subsystems during the Strato-Science 2018 campaign of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) which took place in Timmins, Ontario, Canada between August 6 and 26, 2018. (For more information on this campaign :...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • AUSTRAL2017 - Stratospheric Balloon Flight – Canadian Space Agency (CSA) Stra...

    Here is data coming from a balloon, as high as the Eiffel Tower is tall, and whose utility is to test new technology applications before being placed on satellites for long-duration space missions. This dataset contains the telemetry data obtained from the different sub systems during the...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • NEOSSAT - Astronomy Data

    The dataset includes the astronomical images from the Near-Earth Object Surveillance Satellite (NEOSSat). NEOSSat was launched on February 25, 2013 and it is the first space satellite dedicated to detecting and tracking asteroids and satellites. The suitcase-sized NEOSSat orbits at an altitude of...
    Canadian Space Agency
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  • Socio-economic benefits of space utilization

    The primary objective of the study "Socioeconomic Benefits of Space Utilization" is to quantify and qualify the socio-economic value of space and related terrestrial activities to Canadians across the major application domains of imagery (EO), satellite communications (satcom) and satellite...
    Canadian Space Agency
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