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4 datasets found

  • Evaluation of the Qualifying and Testing Services Program (David Florida Labo...

    This report contains the findings of the Evaluation of the Qualifying and Testing Services Program of the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). The David Florida Laboratory (DFL), located in Ottawa, Ontario, is the main mechanism through which the program is delivered. This program carries out specialized...
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
    • HTML
    • PDF
  • Study on concepts and Business Models for a Network of Incubators supporting ...

    This Doyletech Corporation study, commissioned by the Canadian Space Agency, presents the concept of a network of incubators in support of space activities. The goal of this network is to expand the quantity and scope of Canadian space technology used across the width and breath of Canada's...
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
    • PDF/A-1
  • Data on the number of scientific publications and presentations by principal ...

    This data comes from the Principal Investigators Survey of 2017-2018. It provides annual results and performance indicators for Canadian Space Agency funded investments in Research and Development, and Science and Technology. The goal of this survey is to evaluate and demonstrate the impact of...
    Canadian Space Agency
    Resource Formats:
    • CSV
    • RTF

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